
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Just a Big Pot of Random 2

Something, something, darkside. Something, something, complete.

Just disjointed stuff I have floating around on my hard drive...

Rush: The Body Electric.

Some Microman, Star Wars & Transformers stuff.

Some of my Stormtrooper pics.

Some of my Cobra Commander pics.

Machine Robo video with a Zeta Gundam cameo... because... why not.

Later all...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fansproject Warbot Steel Core

Fansproject Steel Core is a major departure for this third party transformers group in that it is a completely original figure not based on any particular character in the Hasbro Takara line up.

The result is Steel Core. Initial impressions on this design of the alt mode is obviously that the vehicle is some sort of Cybertronian assault transport. Heavy duty and covered with smoke stacks it looks like some sort of Mad Max truck on steroids.

Alt mode:

Steel is a miniature Heartmaster much like Ginrai from Masterforce.

Steel size comparison:

Steel is a great little figure in itself.

As for Core:

The robot mode has a definite Prime vibe to it.

Robot mode:

Once again Fansproject manages to come up with another winner.

Conclusion great addition from Fansproject of a non canon character.