
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Side Arms

What would Cobra Commander or a Stormtrooper be without weapons? Here are pictures of my costuming armoury that no respectable villain should be without.

And before anyone panics, these are NOT real weapons they're merely spring loader clear soft guns that have been spray painted.

The lot consists of (Top Left) The Colt Double Eagle (Top Right) The Smith and Wesson 4505 (Mid Left) The Sig Sauer (Mid Right) The Taurus PT-92 (Bottom) The Colt .45 cal.

An example of what these pistols
 start out as. (Colt Double Eagle)

The look, feel &
weight is very well captured.
Even the dis-assembly
 is very similar.

Next up is the E-11 Stormtrooper rifle that I have been working on forever, it has really come a long way from the crappy toy that I first started out with.

And finally a long range blaster beside an M-4 assault rifle.

It's really amazing how a little black & silver paint can really sell your prop guns.

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