
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

G-1 Megatron

Let's face it this is a toy that really needs no introduction, I mean just about everyone knows who is the evil leader of the decepticons... Star-Scream right

Okay all kidding aside, the Hasbro G-1 Megatron was the definitive toy for many kids growing up during the 80's.

Megatron did not start out as an evil robot but rather was a force for good in the Takara Micro-change series. Originally known as the MC 12 Walther P-38 Gun Robo, he was an ally for the Micromen and came in two variants.

Firstly there was the black mode (MC 12) which transformed into a standard P-38 and an alternate grey mode (MC 13) which was known as the U.N.C.L.E. variant. This version came with extended barrel, stock and scope, and resembled the U.N.C.L.E. (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) special from the 60's television spy show.

Later this version would be sold to Hasbro and repackaged as the evil leader of the Decepticons (or Destrons in the Japanese version).

Leave it to the Americans to take an iconic gun sported by the forces of good and turn it into a weapon of evil!

Open Channel "D"
U.N.C.L.E. classified document

In all there were three different variants in the Gun Robo line consisting of:
MC 7 1910 Browning: Featured in the Japanese animated version of Transformers Masterforce.
MC 11 S&W .44 Magnum

  MC 12 Walther P-38

All three guns featured plastic bullets with cardboard targets of enemy Acroyears. Sadly you can't find toys like that in this day and age anymore.
Now if I could just my hands on the other ones...

Photos courtesy of Blog Transformers.
Megatron in detail:

Walther P-38.

The Man from
U.N.C.L.E. sniper
carbine variant.


In robot mode.

Sporting his Mega-cannon.

The Microman accessory.

This one a managed to find at my local comics shop. Overall a rare find of the Destron leader.

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