
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Microman Magne Power Hurricane Bird

Hurricane Bird was the next offering by Takara for their Microman revival series, and was a companion piece for Cougar, Jaguar and the respective Robotmen Ace, Cross and Baron.

Like Cougar and Jaguar Hurricane Bird can be merged to be used as power-up for the Robotmen figures. Also like the other Magne Animals this one has control bars so their Micromen companions can ride them as vehicles into battle.

In the anime the animals, much like the Robotmen, contained advanced AI circuitry which allowed them to act autonomously. The figure also has a multitude of articulation points making it highly poseable.

The main body of Hurricane Bird can be turned into a mobile ski platform when his power-up parts are in use...

...but the real fun is combining the parts with your available Robotman.

Due to the colour scheme the figure works best with with Robotman Ace, but that doesn't mean he is exclusive to this bird. It can also work with Baron and Cross as well.

In conclusion this is a great addition to your Magne Micro accessories.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Scout Trooper

Haven't written a while about my scout I've been working on so here's a progress update so far...

Monday, June 22, 2015

2015 Walk for Autism

Just finished the Walk for Autism at the University of Western Ontario dressed as Cobra Commander. I was teamed up with Dr Doom, Boba Fett, a Sandperson and a Dalek.

Later I got caught up with some old friends (Serpents courtesy of Little Ray's Reptile Zoo). Really happy as with my current work schedule I haven't been able to get out much.
So I got some exercise and had lots of pictures taken with people. In short a fun day.

Monday, May 18, 2015

More Mando Madness!!!

Just a quick  update on my custom Mando that I'm building. Here's the paint job so far. I been putting the helmet off but then again I still want to put more detail on the armour plates.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mando Build Update

Just received chest and shoulder armour for my Mando, now just need a backplate. cod and vest to attach all this stuff to... oh and paint.

Update: with the long weekend here I've been able to do some custom painting to my kit, here's the progress so far..

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mando Armour Build

Building Mando armour, heres some pics of my progress.

Still got a long way to go.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Beast Hunter Optimus Prime: Head Swap

Just did a simple head swap for my Beast Hunter Optimus Prime figure.

From this... this.

A little drilling and a new ball joint, with the KO Battle Tanker head and viola; New head sculpt for prime. I think it looks much better now.

The alt mode is unaffected.