
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Battle Beyond the Stars

Battle Beyond the Stars New World Pictures 1980 Directed by Jimmy T Murakami Starring Richard Thomas, George Peppard and Robert Vaughn

To infinity and Beyond!!!

Ah. Roger Corman, you always seem to know how to scratch an itch. Who else would make a space opera remake of Seven Samurai in space with such flair and energy?

Battle beyond the Stars is an adventure pertaining to a young farmboy fighting against an evil and all powerful villian with the help of a ragtag team of freedom fighters and... hmmm this seems familiar... ah it's probably nothing. 

Our story starts with the obligatory fly-by of a large spaceship panning across the screen. The giant vessel is a combination of a hammer head Star Wars blockade runner mashed with the back end of an Imperial Star Destroyer. I guess the director wanted to copy the opening of a certain popular movie of the time and settled for a combination of BOTH ships to "homage".

We brake for nobody!!!

We're the Space Baaaallls...

The impressive vessel is commanded by the sadistic and evil leader Sador (John Saxon) of the Malmori (Is that the species, the planet, a title or the name of his empire? Don't know!) who goes around roaming the galaxy and plundering the resources of other planets. He also has a habit of capturing victims and harvesting them for body parts to extend his life.

His latest point of interest lies in the planet Akir, an agrarian society, populated by pacifists. Yeah, it's the old "we don't know how to fight, we're farmers" trope. Sador's ship appears and destroys the planets weather satellite as first victim and then proceeds to inflict his reign of terror on the people. 

What is that on his face? Rasberry Jam?

It turns out our villain is in possession of a Stellar Converter, a weapon capable of turning planets into suns and he demands that the people of Akir concede to his rule with the threat of returning in "seven risings" I guess that means days... 

With little in the ways of defence the planet decides to send out a lone emissary on the only starship to recruit mercenaries to fight for their world. 


Thus we are introduced to our hero Lu... ah I mean Shad (Richard Thomas)... a young farmboy trained in piloting the well... endowed, Starship Nell (Voiced by Lynn Carlin). Seriously this ship has a nice rack... of, of weapons. He is instructed by his mentor, Zed (Jeff Corey), an aged, blind warrior to meet with Dr Hapheastus (Sam Jaffe), an old comrade who dwells aboard a giant space station that manufactures androids and weapons.

I'm gonna go bullseye some Womp rats...

Welcome to La Vie en Rose

Alpha, recruit a team of teenagers with attitudes...
As he arrives he finds that the station is populated by androids and that the only two living beings in the huge vessel are Hapheastus, himself, who is now just a disembodied head preserved by a machine, and his daughter Nanelia (Darlanne Fluegel), who fixes the artificial beings that maintain the ship.

The good doctor has other plans however as he wishes Shad to marry his daughter and procreate off-spring to populate the station... not a bad deal really...

Darlanne Fluegel as Nanelia

Shad, however decides to stay true to his mission and convinces Nanelia to escape with him to help fight Sador. As Shad leaves the station, Nanelia follows in her own ship taking a battle assessment computer with her but forgets to take any weapons. Good going girl, you had ONE job...

I love it when a plan comes together

The two agree to split up to seek help and as the two depart Shad encounters raiders trying to pillage another freighter ship piloted by Cowboy (George Peppard) , a native of Earth (Yeah boy! Earth is number One!!!!). Shad rescues Cowboy who happens to be transporting laser hand guns to the Planet Umateal. 

Pepard was coming fresh off his role in Damnation Alley by the way. 

When the two arrive at the planet they happen to come across Sador's ship and witness the power of the Stellar Converter in action. That being said Cowboy offers the weapons to Shad and his people in that he lacks the fuel to bring them back and that the guns are all bought and paid for anyway.


While this is happening Nanelia is roaming about in an area of space known as the Lamba zone. She comes across a Zyme, a gaseous creature and is almost consumed but is "rescued" by Caymen (Morgan Woodward), a reptilian like alien known as a Lazuli. 

At first he is interested only in selling her but has a change of heart when she tells him she is fighting Sador. It turns out that since our villain was responsible for the annihilation of his race he decides to join the fight for revenge for the man who caused the destruction of his homeworld.

Sometimes we are five, sometimes one

As Shad continues his quest he encounters a strange glowing ship with an ethereal quality. As he is taken aboard he is met by Nestor (Earl Boen) a collective consciousness who has sent five avatars to join the cause. 

Having gained another ally, Shad continues his quest to the planet Nascosta. As he lands on the inhospitable surface he makes his way underground to find Gelt (Robert Vaughn), the lone resident who has amassed great wealth but is unable to spend his fortune due to the fact that so many worlds have a bounty out on him. Gelt tells Shad that he'll fight seeing as they can offer him a decent meal and a place to hide, seeing as he has nowhere else to go.

Gelt, hey, that's a Hasbro stormtrooper blaster in his hand!!!

As Shad returns to Akir with his band he is challenged in a mock battle with Saint Exmin (Sybil Danning) of the Valkyrie.

Sybil Danning

Shad treats the female warrior as more of a nuisance than as an asset, nevertheless she insists on joining the battle in order to prove herself in combat.

The problem of using body parts
of your enemies... at least
you'll be popular with the ladies

Overall Battle Beyond the Stars has a lot to offer James Horner's soundtrack is reminiscent of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which he also composed the music for. 

Veteran actors such as George Peppard (Hannibal Smith: The A Team), Earl Boen (Dr Silverman Terminator), Morgan Woodward (Two time Star Trek Original series appearances), Robert Vaughn (Napoleon Solo: The Man form Uncle), Jeff Corey (Star Trek Original series), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson: Lost in Space) and Richard Thomas (John Boy of the Waltons) are a treat to spot for fans of old time sci fi and television series. Plus Sybil Danning... need I say more?

The film also benefits from the talents of such behind the scene talents such as James Cameron, and the Skotak brothers who would later release such films as The Terminator and Aliens.

All in all a good watch and a lot of fun, the full movie is available on Youtube, check it out.

Last day Capricorn 15s...

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