
Sunday, May 20, 2012

London Rogues Sci Fi Fantasy Six

Managed to finally get some time off of work to attend a Science Fiction Con close to my neck of the woods. In the two days I was there I managed to display both my stormtrooper and my Cobra Commander outfits. Needles to say I was a big hit with the crowds and the pictures didn't stop.

Along the way I met some other incredible cosplayers as well as some great people who helped out a LOT. Kudos to all who attended and I hope to make it again next year... with possibly some new surprises along the way...

Here are some of the pics:

Photos courtesy of the London Rogues.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Cobra Commander CQBR Project

Just working on another addition to my Cobra commander costume, this time I'm putting together a CQBR (Close Quarter Battle Receiver). This particular rifle was developed specifically for urban warfare. The CQBR is an attempt to combine the hitting power of an assault rifle with the compactness of a sub machine gun.

I managed to find the remains of this rifle in the bargain bin of my local Mil-surplus store and through a little perseverance, paint and parts hunting have come up with something that's not too bad and that old CC himself has given his nod of approval.

The rifle as I found it.

Didn't look like much at the time.

A stock I found in the parts bin.

A little bit of paint
can work wonders.
Starting to show some promise.

Fully painted with stock & magazine added.

Added a scope.
And a tactical light.

The finished product.

And the final result: