
Monday, February 17, 2025

Generations Titans Return Hard Head

Alright Titans Return Hard Head. An interesting figure, highly detailed, with a simple yet satisfying transformation to H-Tank mode. 

The Headmaster gimmick works well 
and looks good.

The vehicle mode serves as a great looking figure fitting with smaller pilot figures.

Alt mode

There's also a hidden Gerwalk mode

Nothing like the obvious face hanging off the back.

Robot mode

Overall a good figure with good articulation and a nice representation of the original G 1 figure.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Combiner Wars Skylynx

Alright Combiner Wars Skylynx... here's an oddball... merges to form Sky Reign?

Oh well, here we go. The "official" combination calls for Wheel Jack, Hound, Smoke Screen and Trailblazer to make up the limbs.

Yeah... we're not gonna do that, it's SKY Reign, not Road Reign, (Personally I think a combiner called Road Rage would be cool) so I'm gonna use G2 Aerialbots. Besides my toy, so I'm doing it my way.

First off the hip issues must be addressed if you plan to use this figure as a torso for combine mode. While the hips are on a ratchet, they are very soft and don't hold up very well for standing or posing.

There was a video showing how to fix the issue floating around on YouTube somewhere...

Mind you if you decide to this mod you do so at your own risk and discretion. 

This is NOT my video, BTW. Nori Toy is much smarter than me...

Okay down to business.

In beast mode this figure looks pretty good, despite it being hollow in some areas. There are some problems of floppiness in the hind feet that need to be addressed, but it's nothing that a little floor polish and screw tightening can't fix.

Shuttle mode is not as impressive as it's a space shuttle with a large cargo bin strapped underneath.

Let's add some Aerialbots, 

Merge to form...
Sky Reign!!!

Of course you'll need some extra hands and feet. I decided to use the Perfect Effect set meant for Defensor. I've also added part of Silverbolt's rifle.

Gotta admit this is a nice looking torso mode, the beast head really sets it off giving it a very sentai look reminiscent of some tokusatsu shows.

Size comparisons.

Skylynx is definitely not for everyone. The thought of this space shuttle dragon/cat being a combiner may be ridiculous to some, but I rather like it.