
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Warbot Steel Core Update, Now with Core Trailer!!!

Fansproject has done it again!!! When they first released their Warbot Steel Core the company had hinted that there may be an addition to the vehicle mode in the instructions/ comics that they had included with the release.

For many the while the robot mode was considered fantastic, the alt mode had seemed lacking. Now thanks to the trailer, the vehicle mode looks solid and complete.

 The trailer serves as a sort of APC (Armoured Personal Carrier) for the Heartmasters that control the Core vehicles.

In addition the trailer comes with a bonus figure; Ruthen, a tactician that can serve as an alternate pilot to Steel and a companion piece to Revolver.

The trailer can also split open to reveal the contents, which are seats with drop down roll bars that secure the figures in place. The trailer is designed to hold six figures of which I only possess three.

In addition all three Heartmasters can be inserted into the chest of the Core.

Another feature are the rifles located between each seat that can be deployed and used to arm all the smaller units.

Size comparisons:

The whole thing was offered as a club exclusive, however I missed the chance to get one when they went on sale. The result of this was to scour the internet to see if any vendors had them for sale. Luckily I managed to snag one up from Aces Toy Store, however they're sold out now so the going can get rough for anyone else looking for this item in the after market.

Looking back, I probably paid a little bit too much for a storage box, but I have no regrets.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Classic Microman Showcase

Following the smash hit of Star Wars, in 1977 many toy manufacturers were looking a line of science fiction based action figures that could rival the success of toy manufacturer Kenner.

The original Microman line from Takara was purchased by Mego and re-labeled as the Micronauts. The toy line was initially a big success in North America, but with no movie tie in or other mass media push such as a cartoon, many of Takara's later efforts were dropped.

While the series continued to enjoy success in Japan the North American market eventually lost steam. About the only big push the toy line had here was a comic book tie in produced by Marvel Comics. This is unfortunate due to the fact that the figures were revolutionary for their time and had superior articulation and more variety of vehicles and accessories than their Kenner counterparts.

I've also collected the comics and it's quite a good read, reminiscent of Star Wars.

Later around 2002 toy manufacturer Palisades re-released the original Micronauts designs drawing up and copying from the Takara figures to look just like they did back in late 70's.

According to the Japanese narrative the Microman were aliens who had come to Earth after the destruction of their home planet. In some cases some of the Micromen were changed due to polluted atmospheres into Acroyears, which in essence are evil Micromen.

It's unfortunate that the only medium that was given to these line of figures was a Manga story and that there was no anime to go with the property, it may have prospered better.  Later in the 90's Takara released their Magne Powers anime which did not generate the sales they were expecting and the toy line was put on hiatus.

While I'll admit the classic look is somewhat dated compared to modern day figures it has that retro-nostalgic feel of the days of old and is really a matter of personal taste.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Microman Magne Power Part III: Robotman Baron

Robotman Baron is the third participant in the trio of Magne Power line and is probably the coolest of the lot. This is the figure that looks most like the update for his classic counterpart, Baron Karza from the Mego / Micronauts line from the 70's.

Once again the body type follows his companions Cross and Ace, only in this case the colour scheme is black with an outstanding head sculpt.

As is par for the course the body has multiple magnetic ports located throughout to create all kind s of different configurations. The figure also comes with its own unique weapon, a giant spring loaded fist launcher.

Baron Karza.


This is the main mech used by Micromen Odin and Edison.

A tribute to Baron Karza.

So there you have it. Wow you say that wasn't really all that long, but wait!!! I haven't covered the animal accessories.
Lord Vader?
Up next; Microman Magne Power Jaguar & Cougar.